Supporting Mental Health

Supporting Mental Health

Please click on the link below to see "A Mental Health Guide to coping with lockdown in the winter".

Please click on the links below for some tips about things that make you feel happy or sad.


Ruby’s Worry.MOV

Please watch the story "Ruby's Worry"

The Colour Monster.MOV

Please watch the story "The Colour Monster"

Good days and bad days

Please watch the story "Good Days Bad Days"

Talking about Worry.MOV

Please watch the story "The Worrysaurus" and help your child to make a puppet to talk with.

Useful Links

Please click on the link below for some tips about how to keep children calm


Provides free online support for young people aged 25 and under delivered by qualified counsellors

Young Minds

0808 802 5544 This is a parent helpline for any parents concerned about their child's mental health.


Campaign Against Living Miserably is a charity to prevent male suicide. They run a dedicated support line and online webchat for men who are experiencing emotional distress or who are in crisis. CALM are seeking to change the culture that prevents men from seeking help when they need it.


Phone 0800 1111

Free confidential counselling and emotional support for children and young people.


Phone 116 123