Pupil Premium

Alumwell Nursery – Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)

The EYPP became available in April 2015 for children accessing early education to provide children within a set criteria extra funding to support their development, learning and care. The criterion is generated through parents’ receipt of certain benefits or is in the care of the local authority.

National data and research tells us that children eligible for free school meals tend to do less well, for example in 2014, 45% of children eligible for free school meals achieved the expected level at the end of the early years foundation stage compared with 64% of other children. The Early Years Pupil Premium provides extra funding to close this gap for these children.

There are currently 34 children in receipt of EYPP at Alumwell nursery. 15 in the morning session and 19 in the afternoon.

The children’s group leaders were given a sheet to identify their individual barriers to learning and what intervention(s) would be of most benefit to them. Dependent upon the individual some children require support in more than one area of learning and as such this has been devised to meet all areas. 

From this a timetable was devised which explored similar strands across the setting for each child based on 1:1 and small groups within a three day period.

The barriers/intervention groups consist of:

Packs are being devised for children to take home and share their learning experience with their parent/carers. The packs will consist of a book and an activity linked to it which will contain maths, literacy, fine motor skills or dependent on the individual barrier for the child something more specifically focused.

As the role develops there will be parent workshops to incorporate involvement in areas such as play, which will promote various early experiences they can do at home and in their local environment.