

Are you worried about a child or a family? Are you worried about a neighbour or a friend who has children? Have you heard something, seen something or just have a feeling something is not right about the safety of a child?

If so, you can contact the Walsall MASH Team on 0300 555 2866 to share your concerns regarding a child's welfare. This can be done anonymously if you have worries about sharing this.

If you feel a child is at risk of significant harm, please call 999 immediately.

Your one call could make a big difference to a child. 

Cost of Living Crisis.

We know the cost of living crisis is difficult for us all at the moment and now more than ever people need support to make it through these times.

Help and support is available. If you need support Walsall Council can support with this, click the link below to see what is available and how to access this support.


Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023.pdf
Keeping_children_safe_in_education_2023 (1).pdf
Online safety policy review May 2022.pdf
Quick Guide to Early Help.pdf

A NEW ONLINE programme is now available FREE to Walsall parents called ‘Understanding your Relationships’

Parental conflict is a normal part of relationships; however, there is a growing body of evidence showing that Parental Conflict that is frequent, intense and poorly resolved whether parents are together or not puts children's long-term outcomes at risk.  Exposure to destructive parental conflict is associated with a range of problems for children and young people, this can include poorer academic outcomes, negative peer relationships, substance misuse, poor future relationship chances, low employability and heightened interpersonal violence. It is also associated with mental health difficulties such as anxiety and depression, conduct disorder, poor attachment, risk-taking behaviours and even suicide.  

The new online programme is called ‘Understanding your Relationships’ and covers topics such as feelings, communication, conflict in relationships, anger, repair and more. The programme is for younger and older adults who are in or have been in a relationship.

The programme like our other online programmes is free to parents with a Walsall postcode and the free access code of  WALSAPARNT,  click start now on the course on the in our place website