Dates for the Diary

Wednesday 19th June - Sports Day  

Head Teacher's Welcome

We are all very proud of our diverse school, which is situated in the heart of our local community in Walsall. 

We welcome you into our school and look forward to working with you!

"Children show tremendous enthusiasm, sustaining concentration for significant periods of time. Your planning of exciting learning activities and the use of the outdoors is exemplary. As a result, children are highly motivated to learn because all practitioners encourage them to try out new skills." - Ofsted 2018

"Children are happy and safe. They are inquisitive and interested learners. They have expectionally strong attachments with their keyworker. This allows them to settle quickly. Children explore the many varied learning opportunities on offer, both indoor and out. They do so safe in the knowledge that they can return for reassurance if needed."    - Ofsted 2023

We are all passionate about teaching and learning and we provide the best possible start for all of our children. 

We value the importance of working closely in partnership with all our families.

Working together, our children will thrive and achieve success in our nursery school.

A. Patel - Headteacher.

Dates for the Diary 2024 

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Our Vision

To develop happy, confident and secure learners in a safe and stimulating environment where all children thrive through working in partnership with Parents and our local community.

Our Values and Ethos

Alumwell Nursery opened in early 1975 to serve the local community. It is maintained by Walsall Council. The nursery has its own governing body and Head Teacher Mrs Armela Patel.

The nursery is situated along Primley Avenue and sits next to Alumwell Infant School. Along Primley Avenue there is also Alumwell Junior school and further along,  West Walsall E-act Academy. 

Our nursery is a large open area where children are free to explore the exciting activities and resources available to them.  Children can flow between inside and outside where we have a large grassed area and two canopies.  Outside is open to children in all weathers giving them the opportunity to fully develop their sense of the world.

We aim to provide a valuable experience for children who feel enthusiastic and confident about learning giving them an excellent foundation in which to grow and learn through their childhood.  We do this by carefully matching teaching and learning opportunities to every child’s needs and interests and by making the environment exciting and stimulating.  Every child is important to us and so we strive to meet their individual needs.  This is best done by working in partnership with parents.  We encourage parents to be actively involved in the life of our nursery.  We are very proud of the multi-cultural nature of our nursery and we work hard to promote community cohesion as we develop children’s respect for themselves, others and their environment.

Each child is allocated a key worker and spends valuable time with them in their family group at the beginning and end of each session.  We have five family groups: Red, Orange, Green, Yellow and Blue. Key workers are known as Group Leaders and parents have the opportunity to speak to their child’s group leader each day when they bring and collect children from nursery.

For every child to feel happy and secure in coming to nursery we have a proven transition programme whereby every child will have a home visit prior to starting with us.  This is usually done by our Parent Support Adviser and a member of staff from Alumwell Nursery. Each child is then invited in to nursery to meet their Group Leader and share important information.  We then have open days for parents and children to join a nursery session and to meet other parents and children.