Autumn Term
Alumwellies children have settled in well into their daily routine. During Autumn term, the children enjoyed their environment and playing with the sand and water. The children's favourite place in nursery is the messy tray where we have had plenty of messy activities such as gloop and jelly with spiders. We have also enjoyed using our imagination to play in the home area and using open-ended resources to make our own stories and songs with adult support.
We looked at the seasonal vegetables such as pumpkins, carrots, potatoes and parsnips. Children have been developing their fine motor skills, hand and eye co-ordination and being introduced and exploring new foods and textures by cutting the vegetables into small chunks using plastic knives to make soup that we ate together at snack time.
Diwali week we enjoyed making pictures of fireworks the children had seen and heard and Diya's. We also made chapattis using atta. We love making the dough and then rolling it in into chapattis. We sat together and ate the chapattis and some even asked for more. To celebrate Diwali, the children played the Bhangra drum under the canopy and danced to Asian music.